Saturday, September 28, 2013

There's a Monster Under My Bed

Common Core is an initiative funded by special interests and federal government with the goal of nationalizing education.  National Education?  No thank you.  No . . .  really - NO THANK YOU!

Alas, it seems we have it already. How did we allow this huge intrusion of Federal government into our schools which is the right, privilege and responsibility of state and local governments and families?

There is so much to cover and many questions to answer; what is the CCI, SBAC, CCSSO, Race to the Top grant, etc.?  and what do they all have to do with Common Core?  The internet has plenty to study and get informed from.  Here is a bit of the essence of my recent education on the subject of Education, minus footnotes and sources.  My apologies, but this American Mom for Utah only has so much time to blog when there are peaches and tomatoes ripening rapidly in the next room, and a rodeo in Logan to get to!
 In short:

CCI's purpose is  faulty and its cause is not just.  The language they present them by is condescending and unnecessary to teachers, administrators and parents.

I despise the idea that this unholy machine, with its standards writers and wealthy backer, has decided it must inspire and transform us, and will do it with mandates and money.

At least one social scientist (Dr. Christopher Tienken) feels CCI is an example of 'data-less decision making' and says, "Major policies that we impose on children and parents should have evidence to support their effectiveness." 

Further troubling me is the growing awareness that my own state,  local teachers and administrators and parents seem to have bought it hook, line and sinker. Those that may not like it have got to feel a sense of dread to speak out since it would place them in a position of seeming insubordinate. That fact alone is a red flag to me; a big, red flag waving desperately to be seen.  I value our teachers and administrators decisions and abilities, and I mourn that their power to effect changes and ideas for unique local needs and wants is in jeopardy, which will increase without check. I value a teacher, principle, and locally elected school board over any bureaucrat in Washington. There is no amendment process in place for Common Core.

Cost, power, lack of due diligence, data collection, training, books, testing, grading, implementing, loss of power for our families and communities, one size fits all standard, demographic differences, no idea of side effects, no transparency or legislative or public input . . .

If it were only about standards . . . but nationalizing our education is monstrously much more.

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